Welcome to the 6th International Conference Aging & Cognition 2021! 

This conference series aims to stimulate research in the domain of cognitive aging and related research fields in Europe by bringing together European and non-European scientists. Cognition is defined in the broadest sense, including sensory, cognitive, motor and emotional aspects. Whereas cognition and cognitive neuroscience for healthy aging are the main focus of the conference series, an additional focus targets interventions aimed at influencing age-related cognitive deficits.


The 6th International Conference Aging & Cognition and the 4rd Conference of the European Cognitive Aging Society (EUCAS) is organized by the University of Leuven and will take place as Online Conference on 15th April, 2021.

Scientific Program Committee

  • Prof. Guido Band
  • PD Stephan Getzmann
  • Prof. Louise Philipps

Local Organizing Committee / Administrative Office

  • Prof. Ralf Krampe
  • Prof. Astrid van Wieringen
  • Mira van Wilderode
  • Nathan van Humbeeck