EUCAS Board 2023 – 2026

Pilar Andres
Board Member

Pilar Andres is a Professor of Psychology at the University of the Balearic Islands. She has worked on ageing since her PhD thesis at the University of Liege (Belgium), where she started investigating memory and executive functions in healthy older adults. She also worked as a neuropsychologist assessing people with cognitive impairment, specially patients with neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. She is currently working on different neuropsychological questions such as early diagnosis, protective factors (e.g. physical activity, bilingualism) and social factors (e.g. loneliness) in healthy and pathological ageing.

Guido Band

Guido Band

Guido Band is an Associate Professor in applied cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience at Leiden University, Netherlands. Initially he studied age-related decline of control processes like performance monitoring, inhibition, working memory, and flexibility with the help of psychophysiology. More recently his interest shifted towards applied cognitive psychology, and in particular cognitive enhancement. He is interested in the effectiveness of lifestyle interventions like game training and physical exercise to buffer age related cognitive decline, but also in policy issues associated with maintaining a healthy older workforce.

Elena Cavallini
Board Member

Elena Cavallini is an Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Pavia. She is head of the Laboratory of Psychology of Aging (LabPsI) and director of the Master in Psychology of Aging. Her main research interests are in applied psychology, in particular training interventions to enhance cognitive and socio-cognitive abilities, such as memory, decision making and theory of mind. Her recent work involves the investigation of skills underlying older adults’ social functioning by using a more ecological approach. She is also interested in the study of individual differences in prosociality.

Stephan Getzmann

Stephan Getzmann

Stephan Getzmann, PD, is head of IfADo networking group “Aging” Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors in Dortmund, Germany. His main research interests are in the understanding of interactions between endogenous and environmental factors on cognitive functions in cognitive aging, in determining the consequences of age-related changes in cognitive functions for the workplace, as well as in promoting healthy aging and preservation of working ability by active intervention. Specific research topics comprise speech comprehension, mobility and car driving ability of seniors as well as EEG methods.

Gizem Hülür

Gizem Hülür
Board Member

Gizem Hülür (Board Member) is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Bonn, Germany. Her research is focused on cognitive abilities, subjective well-being, and social relationships from a lifespan perspective with a focus on adulthood and old age. She studies developmental processes over different time scales, from hours and days to years and decades using micro-longitudinal and macro-longitudinal research methods.

Monicque Lorist

Monicque Lorist
Board Member

Monicque Lorist (Board Member) is a Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. In her research she aims at enhancing our understanding of the dynamics in human behaviour, underlying the richness of behavioural diversity observed within and between individuals. She studies these dynamics both on the level of cognition, as on the level of neural processing, predominantly in healthy individuals, with an explicit focus on healthy ageing. We know that ageing is accompanied by changes in our brain. But ageing is not a passive process, we actively deal with these changes. A better understanding of the interaction between brain and behaviour during our lifetime will help us to promote healthy ageing for all of us.

Louise Phillips

Louise Philips
Vice President

Louise Phillips is a Professor in Psychology at the University of Aberdeen, UK. She is head of the Cognition research group and the Aging, Cognition and Emotion Lab in the School of Psychology. She has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles on the effects of adult aging and neurodegenerative diseases on social, emotional and cognitive skills. Her main research interests are in the effects of aging on interpersonal perception, and how this is influenced by age-related motivational and cognitive changes. Also, she is interested in how aging influences the regulation of cognitive and emotional processes. Aging is a lifelong interaction between change and stability which needs inter-disciplinary collaboration to understand links between physical change and social environment in predicting cognitive/affective behaviours.

Ludmila Zajac-Lamparska

Ludmila Zajac-Lamparska

Ludmila Zajac-Lamparska is an Associate Professor at Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland, a Chair in General and Human Development Psychology and head of the Laboratory of Research on Cognitive Ageing. She has published peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters on aging from cognitive, neurocognitive, social and personality perspectives. Her main research interests are cognitive interventions for older adults, compensatory brain activity in older adults and successful ageing. She is also interested in psychological assessment of cognitive skills and diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders.

Former Boards

From 2019

Prof. Dr. R. Krampe, president
Prof. Dr. J. Kray, vice president
Prof. Dr. L. Zajac-Lamparska, secretary
PD. Dr. S. Getzmann, treasurer
Prof. Dr. G. Band, board member
Prof. Dr. R. Krampe, board member
Prof. Dr. M. Martin, board member

From 2015

Prof. Dr. S. Ballesteros, president
Prof. Dr. J. Yordanova, secretary
Prof. Dr. M. Martin, treasurer
Prof. Dr. M. Isingrini, board member
Prof. Dr. S. Swinnen, board member
Prof. Dr. R. Krampe, board member
Prof. Dr. J. Kray, board member

From 2013

Prof. Dr. M. Falkenstein, president
Prof. Dr. S. Ballesteros, vice president
Prof. Dr. J. Yordanova, secretary
Prof. Dr. M. Martin, treasurer
Prof. Dr. M. Isingrini, board member
Prof. Dr. S. Swinnen, board member
Prof. Dr. R. Ridderinkhof, board member