Our members are engaged in research focused on cognitive aging and related fields, applying behavioral and neuroscientific methods. The findings are presented at our biannual scientific conference.
The society has following membership categories:
- Full members: Persons who are active and internationally recognized investigators in the domain of Cognitive Aging and related areas.
- Junior members: Persons who are in the beginnings of their research careers in the domain of Cognitive Aging. These persons are typically performing their dissertation research (or similar research).
- Affiliated members: Persons who support the aims of the society. These persons have, upon payment of annual dues, as determined by the board, all rights and advantages belonging to the membership with the exception of fulfilling offices and they cannot vote.
- Honorary members: Full members who fulfilled offices in the society and have contributed to the advancement of the Cognitive Aging Sciences in Europe, based on the evaluation of the board.
Members of the society are those who have applied to the board in writing and who have been admitted by the board to the membership. Applications should be submitted to the secretary of the board. If not admitted to the membership, the plenary membership meeting may decide otherwise.
The board will keep a record of the names and (electronic) addresses of all members.
Resignation of membership is only possible at the end of the financial year and with the observance of a term of notice of four weeks.
Members will pay a subscription for two years which is determined by the board. Junior members pay a reduced subscription. Subscriptions last at least two years.
The board may decide, in special circumstances, to relief the obligation to pay the subscription or part of it.
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Please click here to create your account.
Please note that the account will only be activated for EUCAS members!
Become a member
Fees for two years:
75€ - full membership
50€ - junior membership
To apply for a membership sent an email to: